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Precast Gel I Wide Gel 14x8cm



Purpose and Application

  • Separation and detection of proteins

  • SDS-PAGE, Native-PAGE

  • Detection of PCR products, separation of DNA

  • Screening

  • Experimental training for students or researchers


  • 30 wells/gel  available

  • Fast migration: Completing migration in as little as 30 minutes

  • Sharp bands (especially low-molecular region separability)

  • 1 year of use (unopened from 5 to 10℃ stored)

  • Smilingless gel

  • Stable quality, high reproducibility

  • Adopting glass plates with excellent thermostatic efficiency

  • Easy to set up and remove gel

  • Compatible electrophoresis apparatus: ATTO Wide Gel Size Electrophoresis System (WSE-1170 Multi Lane Gel Chamber)

m PAGEL data.png

Pattern data of protein samples

* Gels do NOT contain SDS. Electrophoresis with buffer solution containing 24mM Tris + 192mM Glycine + 0.1% SDS (AE-1410 EzRun) is Laemmli method, and one without SDS (WSE-7055 EzRun TG) is Ornstein-Davis method.

* We recommend buffer [WSE-7065 EzRunMOPS] for high-speed migration.

* Use buffer solution containing 25mM Tris and 192mM Glycine or our product, [WSE-7055 EzRun TG] for DNA electrophoresis.

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