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Precast Gel I Mini Gel 8x9cm


CD520L cPAGEL(2007)1200dpi.jpg

Purpose and Application

  • Separation and detection of proteins (E-*** type)

  • Second step of 2D electrophoresis (E-D** type)

  • SDS-PAGE, Native-PAGE

  • Detection of PCR products, separation of DNA

  • Screening

  • Experimental training for students or researchers


  • Mini size (90 mm x 83 mm)

  • Offer stability and reproducibility of separation

  • Glass plates with good thermal stability and uniformity employed

  • Easy to set on to the apparatus and take off the gel from the glass plate

  • Varieties of gels are available, including a wide range of gel percentages, wells, and gels for 2D electrophoresis also available

  • Compatible electrophoresis apparatus: ATTO Mini Gel Size Electrophoresis System (WSE-1150P PageRunAce, WSE-1165 Mini-Slab)
    ※This gel cast includes plates whose total thickness is 5 mm, so Plate holders for PAGEL are required.

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