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Purpose and Application

  • Whole cell extract preparation for the following applications
     Electrophoresis/ Western blotting/ Immunoprecipitation/ ELISA/ Enzyme activity/ etc.


  • Sample preparation for electrophoresis, immunoprecipitation, ELISA, enzyme activity experiments, etc.
  • Standard set includes Protease inhibitor and Phosphatase inhibitor.
  • Since EzRIPA Lysis kit is amine-free buffer that based on HEPES buffer, labeling experiments of prepared sample can be applied directly.


 WSE-7420 EzRIPA Lysis kit
Applicable amount100 samples, up to 2 x 10⁷ cell/sample
Storage1 year
Package- EzRIPA Lysis buffer: 100 mL
(20 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 1% IGEPAL® CA-630*, 0.1% SDS, 0.5% Deoxycholic acid, 150 mM Sodium Chloride)
- Protease Inhibitor (100x): 1 mL
(Aprotinin, Pepstatin A, Leupeptin)
- Phosphatase Inhibitor (100X): 10 mL
(Sodium fluoride, Sodium orthovanadate (V), β-sodium glycerophosphate)
* IGEPAL® CA-630 is the same as NonidetP-40, and a trade mark registration of RhonePoulenc AG Co.

Ordering Information

Code No.DescriptionUnit
2332336WSE-7420 EzRIPA Lysis kit1 pk

WSE-7420 EzRIPA Lysis kit

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