Chemiluminescence Imaging System
Centrifuse / Block Incubator / Others
WSE-4056/57/58 QBlot kit C/M/W

Purpose and Application
Semi-Dry blotting
Pre-wet PVDF membrane & filter paper
Western blotting is needed a workflow for equilibrating membrane and filter paper. Normally, the equilibration is taken 15~30 min. QBlot kit is needless the equilibration and it may use for western blotting immediately.
ATTO made shortest time for transfer 5-10 min with good transfer efficiency.
QBlot kit not only ATTO Semi-dry blotting system but also, may use other semi-dry transfer system as well.
Three different sizes
Compact gel size: WSE-4056 QBlot kit C (65×63 cm)
Mini gel size: WSE-4057 QBlot kit M (90×85 mm)
Wide gel size: WSE-4058 QBlot kit W (145×85 mm) -
Improved filter paper and transfer buffer