Image Analysis Software CS Analyzer 4 (Windows version)
Purpose and Application
Digitization of electrophoresis pattern
The analysis results in save and report
Image convert saving
LANE analysis (SDS-PAGE gel, Agarose gel image, etc.)
SPOT analysis (Western blot, etc.)
PLATE analysis (Dot blot, etc.)
Housekeeping protein normalization
Molecular weight marker calibration
Scale calibration
Image mode conversion
Absorbance conversion
Merge RGB, Image processing
Data saving and summarizing as a report
Support TIFF, BMP, JPEG, CCD (ATTO original format)

Purpose and Application
Free rotation function
You don’t need to enter angles one by one.
Just Drag a Line over a band of equal size to automatically level it.
Digitization of electrophoresis pattern
Measure electrophoresis pattern and digitize a molecular weight measurement and concentration determination.
LANE measurement: Scan each lane and digitization from profile data.
LANE measurement
Molecular weight measurement and concentration determination can be carried out simultaneously as one of the methods of electrophoresis pattern analysis.
Surround the migration path in a rectangular shape and measure it from the profile data obtained from the migration pattern.
SPOT measurement
This method is suitable for analyzing regularly arranged dot patterns, such as arrays.
PLATE measurement
Analysis for Queue dot pattern such an array.
Analysis result save and report
Saving for electrophoresis information, summarize a report(PDF file/ Printing)
There is able to print out a summarized result or save it as PDF file format.
Image format
・16bit TIFF
・16/14/12bit CCD(ATTO original format)
・16/14/12bit Chain(ATTO original format)
Own name file : Save as ....
・16bit TIFF
Image convert saving
Adjust 16bit TIFF image→8bit image(TIFF・JPEG・BMP etc.)
Save image as ....
Language selection
Choose a language English or Japanese when it is installed.