Chemiluminescence Imaging System
Centrifuse / Block Incubator / Others
Peristaltic Pump
WSE-3300/3310 I AC-2120 for Externally Controllable type
Digital Peristaltic Pump
WSP-3300/3310 PeristaQuantumPump
Purpose and Application
Improved stability, reproducibility, chemical resistance, flow rate, operability, and external control functions
Digital new peristaltic pump
Full support for bio-production and research processes
■ <Metal non-contact>
BioSafe aseptic, contamination-free, sanitary, and clean liquid feed
■ Accomplish the "High Flow Accuracy" by
"Quantitative flow stability" and "High flow reproducibility"
■ <Low pulsation> by "12-roller rotating roller system"
■ Includes "PeristaQ dedicated standard tube"
■ Easy to use by "Touch Panel Operation and Settings"
■ Productivity improved by the external control system

WSE-3300/3310 I AC-2120 for Externally Controllable type
AC-2120 Perista BioMini Pump

Purpose and Application
Pumping fluids/solutions in chromatography
Pumping fermentation broth
Pumping chemicals in recirculation experiment
A wide range of applications, from laboratory to plant, etc
Wide flow rate range from 1 to 1,000 times with motor rotation control using a tube of the same inner diameter
Flow rate range from 0.1 to 1,000 mL/h with a tube inner diameter of which is from 1 to 3 mm
Digital panel for easy operation and accurate flow rate setting
The external Control Connector for a gradient pump controller is equipped
MAX-FLOW Switch equipped for rapid solution exchange and drainage